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Section 13.3.  Moving, Copying, and Deleting Files

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13.3. Moving, Copying, and Deleting Files

PHP has simple functions to handle all moving , copying , and deleting of files. Unix users will know there is no command for "rename," because renaming a file is essentially the same as moving it. Thus, you use the move (mv) commandit is the same in PHP.

Files are moved using rename( ), copied using copy( ), and deleted using unlink( ). This is so named because Unix systems consider filenames to be "hard links" to the actual files themselvesto unlink a file is to delete it.

Section 13.3.  Moving, Copying, and Deleting Files

All three functions will operate without further input from you. If you choose to pass an existing file to the second parameter of rename( ), it will rename the file in parameter one to the file in parameter two, overwriting the original file. The same applies to copy( )you will overwrite all files without question, as long as you have the correct permissions.

13.3.1. Moving Files with rename( )

Used for both renaming and moving files, rename( ) takes two parameters: the original filename and the new filename you wish to use. The function can rename/move files across directories and drives, and will return true on success or false otherwise.

Here is an example:

    $filename2 = $filename . '.old';
    $result = rename($filename, $filename2);
    if ($result) {
            print "$filename has been renamed to $filename2.\n";
    } else {
            print "Error: couldn't rename $filename to $filename2!\n";

If you had $filename set to c:\\windows\\myfile.txt, the above script would move that file to c:\\windows\\myfile.txt.old.

Section 13.3.  Moving, Copying, and Deleting Files

The rename( ) function should be used to move ordinary files, and not files uploaded through a form. This is because there is a special function, called move_uploaded_file( ), which checks to make sure the file has indeed been uploaded before moving it. This stops people trying to hack into your server by making private files visible. You can perform this check yourself, if you like, by calling the is_uploaded_file( ) function.

13.3.2. Copying Files with copy( )

Like rename( ), copy( ) also takes two parameters: the filename you wish to copy from and the filename you wish to copy to. The difference between rename( ) and copy( ) is that calling rename( ) results in the file being in only one place, the destination, whereas copy( ) leaves the file in the source location and places a new copy of the file into the destination.

    $filename2 = $filename . '.old';
    $result = copy($filename, $filename2);
    if ($result) {
            print "$filename has been copied to $filename2.\n";
    } else {
            print "Error: couldn't copy $filename to $filename2!\n";

The result of that script is that there will be a file $filename and also a $filename.old, e.g., c:\\windows\\myfile.txt and c:\\windows\\myfile.txt.old.

Section 13.3.  Moving, Copying, and Deleting Files

This function will not copy empty (zero-length) filesto do that, you need to use the function touch( ).

13.3.3. Deleting Files with unlink( )

To delete files, pass a filename string as the only parameter to unlink( ). This function only deals only with filesto delete directories, you need rmdir( ).

    if (unlink($filename)) {
            print "Deleted $filename!\n";
    } else {
            print "Delete of $filename failed!\n";

Section 13.3.  Moving, Copying, and Deleting Files

If you have a file opened with fopen( ), you need to fclose( ) it before you call unlink( ).

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