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Appendix B.  Functions

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Appendix B. Functions

As I write this, http://php.net/quickref.php lists 3,917 functions, which account for many language constructs that behave like functions. Rather than distinguish between the two, I have chosen to treat them all as functions.

With such a large list, I can't possibly begin to recommend the most appropriate and secure use of each. Instead, I have chosen the ones that I think require the most attention. My choices are based upon the frequency with which each is used, the amount of risk (or protection) associated with their use, and my own experience.

For each function listed, I provide a recommendation regarding its use. While making this recommendation, I consider security to be paramount. Adjust this approach as necessary to best fit your own needs.

Appendix B.  Functions

When a function has the same risks as another, a reference is made to the other function rather than offering a redundant explanation.

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