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Section C.1.  Storing Passwords

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C.1. Storing Passwords

You should never store cleartext passwords in a database. Instead, store the hash of the password, and use a salt for best results:


    /* $password contains the password. */

    $salt = 'SHIFLETT';
    $password_hash = md5($salt . md5($password . $salt));

    /* Store password hash. */


When you want to determine whether a user has provided the correct password, hash the provided password using the same technique, and compare the hashes:


    $salt = 'SHIFLETT';
    $password_hash = md5($salt . md5($_POST['password'] . $salt));

    /* Compare password hashes. */


If the hashes are identical, you are reasonably assured that the passwords are also identical.

Section C.1.  Storing Passwords

Using this technique, it is not possible to remind users what their passwords are. When a user forgets her password, you instead let her create a new one, and you store the hash of the new password in the database. Of course, you want to be very careful to identify the user correctlypassword-reminder mechanisms are frequent targets of attack and a common source of security vulnerabilities.

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