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C.9 Chapter 10

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C.9 Chapter 10

C.9.1 Exercise 1:

Here's a sample template file, article.html:





<h2>By {byline}</h2>



<h4>Page generated: {date}</h4>



Here's the program that replaces the template fields with actual values. It stores the field names and values in an array and then uses foreach( ) to iterate through that array and do the replacement:


$page = file_get_contents('article.html');

if ($page =  =  = false) {

    die("Can't read article.html: $php_errormsg");


$vars = array('{title}' => 'Man Bites Dog',

              '{headline}' => 'Man and Dog Trapped in Biting Fiasco',

              '{byline}' => 'Ireneo Funes',

              '{article}' => "<p>While walking in the park today,

Bioy Casares took a big juicy bite out of his dog, Santa's Little

Helper. When asked why he did it, he said, \"I was hungry.\"</p>",

              '{date}' => date('l, F j, Y'));

foreach ($vars as $field => $new_value) {

    $page = str_replace($field, $new_value, $page);


$result = file_put_contents('dog-article.html', $page);

if (($result =  =  = false) || ($result =  = -1)) {

    die("Couldn't write dog-article.html: $php_errormsg");



C.9.2 Exercise 2:

Here's a sample addresses.txt:




















Here's the program to count the addresses:


$in_fh = fopen('addresses.txt','rb');

if (! $in_fh) {

    die("Can't open addresses.txt: $php_errormsg");


// We'll count addresses with this array

$addresses = array( );

for ($line = fgets($in_fh); ! feof($in_fh); $line = fgets($in_fh)) {

    if ($line =  =  = false) {

        die("Error reading line: $php_errormsg");

    } else {

        $line = trim($line);

        // Use the address as the key in $addresses

        // the value is the number of times that the

        // address has appeared

        $addresses[$line] = $addresses[$line] + 1;



if (! fclose($in_fh)) {

    die("Can't close addresses.txt: $php_errormsg");


$out_fh = fopen('addresses-count.txt','wb');

if (! $out_fh) {

    die("Can't open addresses-count.txt: $php_errormsg");


// Reverse sort $addresses by element value


foreach ($addresses as $address => $count) {

    // Don't forget the newline!

    if (fwrite($out_fh, "$count,$address\n") =  =  = false) {

        die("Can't write $count,$address: $php_errormsg");



if (! fclose($out_fh)) {

    die("Can't close addresses-count.txt: $php_errormsg");



C.9.3 Exercise 3:


$fh = fopen('csvdata.csv', 'rb');

if (! $fh) {

    die("Can't open csvdata.csv: $php_errormsg");


print "<table>\n";


for ($line = fgetcsv($fh, 1024); ! feof($fh); $line = fgetcsv($fh, 1024)) {

    // Use implode as in Example 4.21

    print '<tr><td>' . implode('</td><td>', $line) . "</td></tr>\n";


print '</table>';


C.9.4 Exercise 4:


  // Load the form element helper functions

require 'formhelpers.php';

if ($_POST['_submit_check']) {

    // If validate_form( ) returns errors, pass them to show_form( )

    if ($form_errors = validate_form( )) {


    } else {

        // The submitted data is valid, so process it

        process_form( );


} else {

    // The form wasn't submitted, so display

    show_form( );


function show_form($errors = '') {

    if ($errors) {

        print 'You need to correct the following errors: <ul><li>';

        print implode('</li><li>',$errors);

        print '</li></ul>';


    // the beginning of the form

    print '<form method="POST" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">';

    // the file name

    print' File name: ';

    input_text('filename', $_POST);

    print '<br/>';

    // the submit button

    input_submit('submit','Show File');

    // the hidden _submit_check variable

    print '<input type="hidden" name="_submit_check" value="1"/>';

    // the end of the form

    print '</form>';


function validate_form( ) {

    $errors = array( );

    // filename is required

    if (! strlen(trim($_POST['filename']))) {

        $errors[  ] = 'Please enter a file name.';

    } else {

        // build the full file name from the web server document root

        // directory, a slash, and the submitted value

        $filename = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $_POST['filename'];


        // Use realpath to resolve any .. sequences

        $filename = realpath($filename);


        // make sure $filename begins with the document root directory

        $docroot_len = strlen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);

        if (substr($filename, 0, $docroot_len) != $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) {

            $errors[  ] = 'File name must be under the document root directory.';



    return $errors;


function process_form( ) {

    // reconstitute the full file name, as in validate_form( )

    $filename = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $_POST['filename'];

    $filename = realpath($filename);

    // print the contents of the file

    print file_get_contents($filename);



C.9.5 Exercise 5:

The new validate_form( ) function that implements the additional rule:

function validate_form( ) {

    $errors = array( );

    // filename is required

    if (! strlen(trim($_POST['filename']))) {

        $errors[  ] = 'Please enter a file name.';

    } else {

        // build the full file name from the web server document root

        // directory, a slash, and the submitted value

        $filename = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $_POST['filename'];


        // Use realpath to resolve any .. sequences

        $filename = realpath($filename);


        // make sure $filename begins with the document root directory

        $docroot_len = strlen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);

        if (substr($filename, 0, $docroot_len) != $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) {

            $errors[  ] = 'File name must be under the document root directory.';

        } elseif (strcasecmp(substr($filename, -5), '.html') != 0) {

            $errors[  ] = 'File name must end in .html';



    return $errors;


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