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13.7 The HTML_QuickForm Form-Handling Framework

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13.7 The HTML_QuickForm Form-Handling Framework

Chapter 6 provides all the building blocks of robust form handling. A PEAR module, HTML_QuickForm, takes things a step further. It makes it easy to use common validation rules and simplifies default processing and encoding user input with htmlentities( ). With HTML_QuickForm, the entire form is an object. You call methods on that object to add elements and validation rules to the form. Example 13-9 uses HTML_QuickForm to build the form in Example 6-30.

Example 13-9. Building a form with QuickForm

// Load the QuickForm library

require 'HTML/QuickForm.php';

// Create the form object

$form = new HTML_QuickForm( );

// Define the same arrays of valid sweets and main dishes

$sweets = array('puff' => 'Sesame Seed Puff',

                'square' => 'Coconut Milk Gelatin Square',

                'cake' => 'Brown Sugar Cake',

                'ricemeat' => 'Sweet Rice and Meat');

$main_dishes = array('cuke' => 'Braised Sea Cucumber',

                     'stomach' => "Sauteed Pig's Stomach",

                     'tripe' => 'Sauteed Tripe with Wine Sauce',

                     'taro' => 'Stewed Pork with Taro',

                     'giblets' => 'Baked Giblets with Salt', 

                     'abalone' => 'Abalone with Marrow and Duck Feet');

// Set the default values for form elements

$form->setDefaults(array('delivery' => 'yes',

                         'size'     => 'medium'));

// Add each element to the form

$form->addElement('text','name','Your Name: ');

$form->addElement('radio','size','Size:','Small', 'small');

$form->addElement('radio','size','',     'Medium', 'medium');

$form->addElement('radio','size','',     'Large', 'large');

$form->addElement('select','sweet','Pick one sweet item:', $sweets);

$form->addElement('select','main_dish','Pick two main dishes:',

                  $main_dishes, 'multiple="multiple"');

$form->addElement('radio','delivery','Do you want your order delivered?',


$form->addElement('textarea','comments','Enter any special instructions. <br/>

                  If you want your order delivered, put your address here:');


// Create two custom validation rules (implemented by the functions

// add the end of the script) 



// The name field is required

$form->addRule('name','Please enter your name.','required');

// The size field is required and its value must be

// one of "small", "medium", or "large"

$form->addRule('size','Please select a size.','required');

$form->addRule('size','Please select a size.','check_array',

               array('small' => 1, 'medium' => 1, 'large' => 1));

// The sweet field is required and its value must be in the

// $sweets array

$form->addRule('sweet','Please select a valid sweet item.','required');

$form->addRule('sweet','Please select a valid sweet item.', 'check_array',


// The main_dish field is required, it must have exactly two values

// and those values must be in the $main_dishes array

$form->addRule('main_dish','Please select exactly two main dishes.',


$form->addRule('main_dish','Please select exactly two main dishes.',

               'check_array_size', 2);

$form->addRule('main_dish','Please select exactly two main dishes.',

               'check_array', $main_dishes);

// The main logic of the page: if the submitted form parameters are

// valid, then process them by running the save_order( ) function.

// Otherwise, display the form.

if ($form->validate( )) {


} else {

    $form->display( );


// The function to do the form processing. It is identical to process_form( )

// in Chapter 6 except that it accesses the submitted form parameters through

// $form_data instead of $_POST

function save_order($form_data) {

    // look up the full names of the sweet and the main dishes in

    // the $GLOBALS['sweets'] and $GLOBALS['main_dishes'] arrays

    $sweet = $GLOBALS['sweets'][ $form_data['sweet'] ];

    $main_dish_1 = $GLOBALS['main_dishes'][ $form_data['main_dish'][0] ];

    $main_dish_2 = $GLOBALS['main_dishes'][ $form_data['main_dish'][1] ];

    if ($form_data['delivery'] =  = 'yes') {

        $delivery = 'do';

    } else {

        $delivery = 'do not';


    // build up the text of the order message


Thank you for your order, $form_data[name].

You requested the $form_data[size] size of $sweet, $main_dish_1, and $main_dish_2.

You $delivery want delivery.


    if (strlen(trim($form_data['comments']))) {

        $message .= 'Your comments: '.$form_data['comments'];


    // send the message to the chef

    mail('chef@restaurant.example.com', 'New Order', $message);

    // print the message, but encode any HTML entities

    // and turn newlines into <br/> tags

    print nl2br(htmlentities($message));


// A validation helper function to check that $param_value is

// a key in $array (or that each value in $param_value is a 

// key in $array if $param_value is an array

function check_array($param_name, $param_value, $array) { 

    if (is_array($param_value)) {

        foreach ($param_value as $submitted_value) {

            if (! array_key_exists($submitted_value, $array)) {

                return false;



        return true;

    } else {

        return array_key_exists($param_value, $array);



function check_array_size($param_name, $param_value, $size) { 

    return count($param_value) =  = $size;



To learn more about HTML_Quickform, read Chapter 3 of Essential PHP Tools (APress) and http://pear.php.net/manual/en/package.html.html-quickform.php.

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