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Chapter 17.  PHPUnit for PHP 4

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Chapter 17. PHPUnit for PHP 4

There is a release series of PHPUnit that works with PHP 4 and does not require PHP 5. Due to PHP 4's limited object model, PHPUnit for PHP 4 is not a complete port of JUnit as PHPUnit for PHP 5 is. It also lacks certain features of PHP-Unit for PHP 5, such as code-coverage analysis.

The PHPUnit release series for PHP 4 has its own PEAR package named PHPUnit (instead of PHPUnit2). This is because incompatible branches of PEAR packages (such as PHPUnit 1.X for PHP 4 and PHPUnit 2.X for PHP 5) have to be maintained in separate packages.

The following command line shows how to install PHPUnit for PHP 4 using the PEAR Installer:

$ pear install PHPUnit

A test-case class that is used with PHPUnit for PHP 4 is similar to one that is used with PHPUnit for PHP 5. The essential difference is that a PHP4 test class extends PHPUnit_ TestCase (which itself extends PHPUnit_Assert, the class that provides the assertion methods).

Example 28 shows a version of the ArrayTest test case that can be used with PHPUnit for PHP 4.

Example 28. Writing a test case for PHPUnit 1.x
require_once 'PHPUnit/TestCase.php';

class ArrayTest extends PHPUnit_TestCase {
	var $_fixture;

  function setUp( ) {
		$this->_fixture = Array( );

  function testNewArrayIsEmpty( ) { 
		$this->assertEquals(0, sizeof($this->_fixture)); 

  function testArrayContainsAnElement( ) {    
		$this->_fixture[] = 'Element'; 
		$this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($this->_fixture));

PHPUnit for PHP 4 does not provide a TextUI test runner. The most commonly used way to run tests with PHPUnit for PHP 4 is to write a test suite and run it manually, as shown in Example 29.

Example 29. Running a test case with PHPUnit 1.x
require_once 'ArrayTest.php';
require_once 'PHPUnit.php';

$suite = new PHPUnit_TestSuite('ArrayTest');
$result = PHPUnit::run($suite);

print $result->toString( );

TestCase arraytest->testnewarrayisempty( ) passed
TestCase arraytest->testarraycontainsanelement( ) passed

Figure 8 shows the one feature that PHPUnit for PHP 4 has that PHPUnit for PHP 5 does not yet have: a test runner with a graphical user interface based on PHP-GTK.

Chapter 17.  PHPUnit for PHP 4

Figure 1-8.

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