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A function is a block of code that can be defined once and then be invoked (or called) from other parts of the program, leading to centralized, modular code. Typically, a function receives one or more arguments, performs some operation using those arguments, and then returns a resulting value. PHP has numerous builtin functions such as date() and gettype(), and creating user-defined functions is a breeze.

Defining Functions

A function is declared with the function statement. If the function takes any arguments, they are declared as variables in the function declaration:

    function kmToM($fKilometer)
        // Converts kilometers to miles
        return $fKilometer * 0.6214;

    // Invoke the function:
    echo(kmToM(5)); // prints 3.107

This function takes only one argument, the number of kilometers. If a function takes more than one argument, commas are used to separate the variables. The return statement is used to send a value back to the statement that invoked the function. Not all functions return values. For example, a function that echoes code to the browser might not have a return value. The return statement can also be used to halt a function without returning a value, much like a break statement in a loop.

A variable that holds the value passed by an argument is called a parameter. So in the previous example, 5 is the argument and $fKilometer is the parameter. By default, arguments are passed by value, meaning that the parameter holds only a copy of the value. If the parameter's value changes inside the function, this does not affect the values of any variables outside the function:

    function half($fNumber)
        // Cut a number in half.
        $fNumber = $fNumber / 2;
        return $fNumber;

    $fWage = 50.0;
    echo(half($fWage)); // prints 25
    echo($fWage); // prints 50

Since the argument is passed by value, $fWage's value does not change, even after being passed to half(). In contrast, when an argument is passed by reference, any change to the parameter's value results in a change to the variable used as an argument. To indicate that an argument should be passed by reference, place an ampersand (&) before the name of the variable:

    function half &$fNumber)
        // Cut a number in half.
        $fNumber = $fNumber / 2;
        return $fNumber;

    $fWage = 50.0;
    echo(half($fWage)); // prints 25
    echo($fWage); // prints 25

Note that if an argument is passed by value, it must be passed as a variable, not a literal or a constant.

To establish a default value for a parameter, assign it a value in the function's declaration. Assigning a default value makes an argument optional. If the argument is not provided, the default is assumed. It is important to place all optional parameter declarations to the right of any non-optional parameter declarations:

    function raise(&$fWage, $fPercent = 4.0)
        // Raise fWage by given percent
        $fWage += $fWage * $fPercent/100;

    $fWage = 50.0;
    raise($fWage); // Raises 4%
    echo($fWage); // Prints 52
    raise($fWage, 10); // Raises 10%
    echo($fWage); // Prints 57.2

Beginning with PHP4, it is also possible for a function to take a variable number of arguments. The built-in functions func_num_args(), func_get_arg(), and func_get_args() test these kind of functions. func_num_args() returns the number of arguments passed to a function. func_get_arg() receives an integer index and returns the argument that matches it in the argument list. The index is zero-based, so func_get_arg(0) returns the first argument, func_get_arg(1) returns the second argument, and so on. func_get_args() returns an array containing all of the function's arguments:

    function argTest()
        // Test arguments

        // How many arguments:
        echo(func_num_args()); // Prints 5

        // Print first argument:
        echo(func_get_arg(0)); // Prints a

        // Print second argument:
        echo(func_get_arg(1)); // Prints b
    argTest("a", "b", "c", "d", "e");

Another built-in function that may be useful when working with functions is function_exists() which determines whether a function has been defined. For a complete list of built-in functions for handling functions, consult the online PHP manual at http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.funchand.php.

Variable Scope

By default, variables in functions have a local scope. Changes to a local variable's value do not affect variables outside the function, even if the local variable and outside variable have the same name:

    function printWage()
        // Print fWage to the browser
        $fWage = 30.0;
        echo($fWage); // (local variable)

    $fWage = 40.0;
    echo($fWage); // Prints 40 (global variable)
    printWage(); // Prints 30 (local variable)
    echo($fWage); // Prints 40 (global variable)

To access a global (outside) variable from within a function you can declare the variable as global:

    function printWage()
        // Print fWage to the browser

        global $fWage;

        $fWage = 30.0; // Change global variable

    $fWage = 40.0;
    echo($fWage); // Prints 40
    printWage(); // Prints 30
    echo($fWage); // Prints 30

Global variables can also be accessed through the $GLOBALS array. This is an associative array that is available in all functions. Its elements contain all of the global variables in the program:

    function printWage()
        // Print fWage to the browser

        $GLOBALS["fWage"] = 30.0; // Change global variable

    $fWage = 40.0;
    echo($fWage); // Prints 40
    printWage(); // Prints 30
    echo($fWage); // Prints 30

The use of global variables is widely considered to be poor programming style. Since global variables can be changed anywhere in a program, they often result in complex errors that are difficult to identify and repair. In addition, overuse of global variables leads to the development of monolithic software, when well-designed software should consist of modular, individual units that interact among each other.


Unless absolutely necessary, global variables should be avoided.

Variable Lifetime

A local variable only retains its value while the function is executing and it is re-initialized with each invocation of the function. The following function would return the value 1 every time:

    function counter()
        // Increment the count

        $iCounter = 0;
        return ++$iCounter;

To make a local variable static, use the static declaration. Static variables retain their previous value with each invocation of the function:

    function counter()
        // Increment the count

        static $iCounter = 0;
        return ++$iCounter;

In this example, $iCounter is set to zero the first time the function is called. On all subsequent function calls $iCounter "remembers" what its value was the last time the function was executed. Be aware that static variables only retain their values during the execution of the script. If the user reloads the web page, thus causing the script to re-execute, the variable will re-initialize.


Recursion is when a function invokes itself. This circular quality can be useful, especially with some repetitive algorithms. While recursion often leads to an elegant solution to a problem, more often than not it is also difficult to follow the logic of recursion as opposed to a simple loop. Furthermore, recursion is usually inefficient, and it could lead to catastrophic errors if care is not taken to avoid infinite invocations of the function.

The following example is based on the recognition that x^y is mathematically equivalent to x * x^(y-1):

    function power($iBase, $iExponent)
        // Returns iBase to the power of iExponent

        if ($iExponent) {
            return $iBase * power($iBase, $iExponent - 1);
        return 1;

This code takes a problem such as "5 to the power of 3" and breaks it down to "5 times (5 to the power of 2)". It then breaks "5 to the power of 2" down to "5 times (5 to the power of 1)" and so on until the exponent is zero. The loop-based equivalent to this function is:

    function power($iBase, $iExponent)
        // Returns iBase to the power of iExponent

        for ($iAnswer = 1; $iExponent > 0; --$iExponent) {
            $iAnswer *= $iBase;
        return $iAnswer;

This is a bit easier to follow and more efficient, but if you're a mathematical show-off, you'll probably prefer the recursion. Both of these functions work only for positive integer values of $iExponent.

Assigning Functions to Variables

In PHP, variables can refer to functions. This feature is seldom used, but one possible use might be when dynamic conditions determine which function should be used in a program:

    switch ($sClientType) {
    case "PC":
        $output_function = "print_XHTML";

    case "Mobile":
        $output_function = "print_WML";

        $output_function = "print_text";
    // Now call the appropriate output function:

Using Functions to Organize Code

As we have seen in the previous sections, functions provide the ability to sensibly structure code in a way that makes it reusable. They also allow developers to break up a potentially large, monolithic program into smaller, more manageable parts that can be tested, debugged, and modified relatively independently.

A typical PHP script performs many different but related tasks. A single script might validate form data received from the browser, perform database queries based on those data, and display a set of results back to the user. Writing this all in a linear monolithic script can make it difficult to maintain or even to follow:


    // Code to receive and validate form data
    if (isset($name)) {

    // Code to determine user's actions
    if ($action == "Create") {
        // Code to perform INSERT database queries
    } elseif ($action == "Display") {
        // Code to perform SELECT database queries

    // Code to display results

This code becomes increasingly complex to write as a single unit. We may need to display different result screens depending on query results or user actions. Furthermore, another developer looking at this code needs to read the whole script to understand the basic flow of control. In addition, a small error anywhere in the script would be difficult to isolate.

With functions, we can divide these tasks into smaller, more robust units that can be pieced together like blocks to build the whole. We can also include a main() function that controls the flow of execution and allows a developer to determine the basic logic at a glance. In the outline below, we are supposing that the variable $action holds the results of the submit buttons on a web page (that is, every submit button has the attribute name="action"):

    // maintain.data.php

    function validateData()
        // Validate all outside data

    } // end validateData()

    function createRecord()
        // Code to perform insert database queries

    } // end createRecord()

    function deleteRecord()
        // Code to perform delete database queries
    } // end deleteRecord()

    function getData()
        // Code to perform select database queries

    } // end getData()

    function displayMenu()
        // Display menu in XHTML

        <form action="maintain.data.php" ...
    } // end displayMenu()

    function displayResults()
        // Display query confirmation in XHTML

    } // end displayResults()

    function displayData()
        // Display records in XHTML

    } // end displayData()

    function main()
        // Flow control

        if (! validateData()) {

        switch ($action) {
        // Determine user action

        case "":
            // No submit button was clicked
            // first time visiting page
        case "Create":
            $bSuccess = creatRecord();

        case "Delete":
            $bSuccess = deleteRecord();

        case "View":
            $aData = getData();
    } // end main()


    // Call the main() function


This design has many advantages. One of them concerns the use of local variables. Since we have organized our code into functions, variables associated with one task, such as database querying, cannot interfere with variables associated with another task, such as page generation. Without functions, such interference could occur, especially with very commonly used variable names, like $i for loop control variables.

Perhaps the most significant advantage to the design above is that all of the client-side code is now centralized in a few specialized functions. Separating the application logic from the presentation code is extremely beneficial. Changes to either can be made easily without affecting the other (unless you want to). A less obvious benefit of this separation has to do with the built-in header() function. header() can be used to send HTTP header strings, and is very often used to redirect the user to a different PHP program.

For header() to work, it must be invoked before any character is sent to the browser. In a normal (non-function-based) page in which PHP and (X)HTML are interspersed throughout, this could be a problem: by the time you know that you want to call header(), you may have already sent a lot of output to the browser. In our new design, it is very easy for our main() function to determine the flow of execution, including any redirects, well before any client-side code is generated.

Of course, the outline above is a simplified example. In your site, you might have a standard navigation bar at the top of every page. You could create a function that generates the top of a page, and then call this function at the beginning of all of the other displayXxx() functions.

In addition to basic flow control, the main() function has a more subtle role. Through its analysis of the user's action, it is determining the state of the page. If $action has no value, then we know that the user has arrived at the page for the first time, because no submit button was clicked. If $action's value is "View", then we know that the user clicked the "View" submit button from the menu.


It is good programming practice to include a descriptive comment with a function declaration that explains what the function does (similar to the documentation string used in Python). In scripts where there are many functions and/or very long functions, it is also helpful to indicate the end of a function with a comment. This assists developers navigating the script. In a multi-developer organization, it is also wise to include more details for widely used functions, such as the function author's name and any other relevant details:

    function isIntInRange($mVal, $iLow, $iHigh)
        // True if mVal is an integer between iLow and iHigh inclusive

            Written by Christopher Scollo scollo@taurix.com
            To do: Improve error handling if iLow or iHigh is not an int


    } // end isIntInRange()

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