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A Guide to the Index

The index is arranged hierarchically, in alphabetical order, with symbols preceding the letter A. Most second-level entries and many third-level entries also occur as first-level entries. This is to ensure that users will find the information they require however they choose to search for it.


$ sign
identifying variables using, 68
$argc/$argv[] variables, 728
accepting command-line arguments, automating tasks, 728
$GLOBALS array
global variables, accessing, 99
$HTTP_ arrays, 109
environment variables, handling, 84
CGI, 85
cookies, 85
HTTP header, 86
POST, 85
system & GET, 84
$HTTP_*_VARS associative array, 851
security advantages, 852
register_globals, replacing, 851
$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE global variable, 818
accepting languages listed, internationalization example, 818
$HTTP_POST_FILES global variable, 255
uploading files from clients, POST example, 255
$PHP_SELF built-in variable, 185
action attribute, HTML forms, 185
$row instance variable
database abstraction layer, PostgreSQL, 686
$this keyword
class members, referencing, 118
:: class-function call operator, 128
examples using, 128
inheritance use, syntax, 128
@ operator, 159
error messages, example suppressing, 159

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