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Maintaining Authentication: Ensuring That You Are Still Talking to the Same Person

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Maintaining Authentication: Ensuring That You Are Still Talking to the Same Person

Trying to create a sitewide authentication and/or authorization system without cookies is like cooking without utensils. It can be done to prove a point, but it makes life significantly harder and your query strings much uglier. It is very difficult to surf the Web these days without cookies enabled. All modern browsers, including the purely text-based ones, support cookies. Cookies provide sufficient benefit that it is worth not supporting users who refuse to use them.

A conversation about ways to tie state between requests is incomplete without a discussion of the pitfalls. The following sections cover commonly utilized but flawed and ineffective ways to maintain state between requests.

Checking That $_SERVER['REMOTE_IP'] Stays the Same

Relying on a user's IP address to remain constant throughout his or her session is a classic pitfall; an attribute that many people think stays constant across requests as the user's Internet connection remains up. In reality, this method yields both false-positives and false-negatives. Many ISPs use proxy servers to aggressively buffer HTTP requests to minimize the number of requests for common objects. If you and I are using the same ISP and we both request foo.jpg from a site, only the first request actually leaves the ISP's network. This saves considerable bandwidth, and bandwidth is money.

Many ISPs scale their services by using clusters of proxy servers. When you surf the Web, subsequent requests may go through different proxies, even if the requests are only seconds apart. To the Web server, this means that the requests come from different IP addresses, meaning that a user's $_SERVER['REMOTE_IP'] address can (validly) change over the course of a session. You can easily witness this behavior if you inspect inbound traffic from users on any of the major dial-up services.

The false-negative renders this comparison useless, but it's worth noting the false-positive as well. Multiple users coming from behind the same proxy server have the same $_SERVER['REMOTE_IP'] setting. This also holds true for users who come through the same network translation box (which is typical of many corporate setups).

Ensuring That $_SERVER['USER_AGENT'] Stays the Same

$_SERVER['USER_AGENT'] returns the string that the browser identifies itself with in the request. For example, this is the browser string for my browser:

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.21; Mac_PowerPC)

which is Internet Explorer 5.2 for Mac OS X. In discussions about how to make PHP sessions more secure, a proposal has come up a number of times to check that $_SERVER['USER_AGENT'] stays the same for a user across subsequent requests. Unfortunately, this falls victim to the same problem as $_SERVER['REMOTE_IP']. Many ISP proxy clusters cause different User Agent strings to be returned across multiple requests.

Using Unencrypted Cookies

Using unencrypted cookies to store user identity and authentication information is like a bar accepting hand-written vouchers for patrons' ages. Cookies are trivial for a user to inspect and alter, so it is important that the data in the cookie be stored in a format in which the user can't intelligently change its meaning. (You'll learn more on this later in this chapter.)

Things You Should Do

Now that we've discussed things we should not use for authentication, let's examine things that are good to include.

Using Encryption

Any cookie data that you do not want a user to be able to see or alter should be encrypted.

No matter how often the warning is given, there are always programmers who choose to implement their own encryption algorithms. Don't. Implementing your own encryption algorithm is like building your own rocket ship. It won't work out. Time and again, it has been demonstrated that homegrown encryption techniques (even those engineered by large companies) are insecure. Don't be the next case to prove this rule. Stick with peer-reviewed, open, proven algorithms.

The mcrypt extension provides access to a large number of proven cryptographic algorithms. Because you need to have both the encryption and decryption keys on the Web server (so you can both read and write cookies), there is no value in using an asymmetric algorithm. The examples here use the blowfish algorithm; but it is easy to shift to an alternative cipher.

Using Expiration Logic

You have two choices for expiring an authentication: expiration on every use and expiration after some period of time.

Expiration on Every Request

Expiration on every request works similarly to TCP. A sequence is initiated for every user, and the current value is set in a cookie. When the user makes a subsequent request, that sequence value is compared against the last one sent. If the two match, the request is authenticated. The next sequence number is then generated, and the process repeats.

Expiration on every request makes hijacking a session difficult but nowhere near impossible. If I intercept the server response back to you and reply by using that cookie before you do, I have successfully hijacked your session. This might sound unlikely, but where there is a gain to be had, there are people who will try to exploit the technology. Unfortunately, security and usability are often in conflict with one another. Creating a session server that cannot be hijacked is close to impossible.

Using a sequence to generate tokens and changing them on every request also consumes significant resources. Not only is there the overhead of decrypting and re-encrypting the cookie on every request (which is significant), you also need a means to store the current sequence number for each user to validate their requests. In a multiserver environment, this needs to be done in a database. That overhead can be very high. For the marginal protection it affords, this expiration scheme is not worth the trouble.

Expiration After a Fixed Time

The second option for expiring an authentication is to expire each cookie every few minutes. Think of it as the time window on the lift ticket. The pass works for an entire day without reissue. You can write the time of issuance in the cookie and then validate the session against that time. This still offers marginal hijack protection because the cookie must be used within a few minutes of its creation. In addition, you gain the following:

  • No need for centralized validation As long as the clocks on all machines are kept in sync, each cookie can be verified without checking any central authority.

  • Reissue cookies infrequently Because the cookie is good for a period of time, you do not need to reissue it on every request. This means that you can eliminate half of the cryptographic work on almost every request.

Collecting User Identity Information

This is hard to forget but still important to mention: You need to know who a cookie authenticates. A nonambiguous, permanent identifier is best. If you also associate a sequence number with a user, that works as well.

Collecting Versioning Information

A small point to note: Any sort of persistent information you expect a client to give back to you should contain version tags. Without versioning information in your cookies, it is impossible to change cookie formats without causing an interruption of service. At best, a change in cookie format will cause everyone surfing the site to have to log in again. At worst, it can cause chronic and hard-to-debug problems in the case where a single machine is running an outdated version of the cookie code. Lack of versioning information leads to brittle code.

Logging Out

This is not a part of the cookie itself, but it's a required feature: The user needs to be able to end his or her session. Being able to log out is a critical privacy issue. You can implement the logout functionality by clearing the session cookie.

A Sample Authentication Implementation

Enough talk. Let's write some code! First you need to settle on a cookie format. Based on the information in this chapter, you decide that what you want would be fulfilled by the version number $version, issuance timestamp $created, and user's user ID


require_once 'Exception.inc';

class AuthException extends Exception {}

class Cookie {
  private $created;
  private $userid;
  private $version;
  // our mcrypt handle
  private $td;

  // mcrypt information
  static $cypher     = 'blowfish';
  static $mode       = 'cfb';
  static $key = 'choose a better key';

  // cookie format information
  static $cookiename = 'USERAUTH';
  static $myversion  = '1';
  // when to expire the cookie
  static $expiration = '600';
  // when to reissue the cookie
  static $warning    = '300';
  static $glue = '|';
 public function _ _construct($userid = false) {
   $this->td = mcrypt_module_open ($cypher, '', $mode, '');
   if($userid) {
     $this->userid = $userid;
   else {
     if(array_key_exists(self::$cookiename, $_COOKIE)) {
       $buffer = $this->_unpackage($_COOKIE[self::$cookiename]);
     else {
       throw new AuthException("No Cookie");
  public function set() {
    $cookie = $this->_package();
    set cookie(self::$cookiename, $cookie);
  public function validate() {
    if(!$this->version || !$this->created || !$this->userid) {
      throw new AuthException("Malformed cookie");
    if ($this->version != self::$myversion) {
      throw new AuthException("Version mismatch");
    if (time() - $this->created > self::$expiration) {
      throw new AuthException("Cookie expired");
    } else if ( time() - $this->created > self::$resettime) {
  public function logout() {
    set_cookie(self::$cookiename, "", 0);
  private function _package() {
    $parts = array(self::$myversion, time(), $this->userid);
    $cookie = implode(self::$glue, $parts);
    return $this->_encrypt($cookie);
  private function _unpackage($cookie) {
    $buffer = $this->_decrypt($cookie);
    list($this->version, $this->created, $this->userid) =
        explode(self::$glue, $buffer);
    if($this->version != self::$myversion ||
       !$this->created ||
      throw new AuthException();
  private function _encrypt($plaintext) {
    $iv = mcrypt_create_iv (mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size ($td), MCRYPT_RAND);
    mcrypt_generic_init ($this->td, $this->key, $iv);
    $crypttext = mcrypt_generic ($this->td, $plaintext);
    mcrypt_generic_deinit ($this->td);
    return $iv.$crypttext;
  private function _decrypt($crypttext) {
    $ivsize = mcrypt_get_iv_size($this->td);
    $iv = substr($crypttext, 0, $ivsize);
    $crypttext = substr($crypttext, $ivsize);
    mcrypt_generic_init ($this->td, $this->key, $iv);
    $plaintext = mdecrypt_generic ($this->td, $crypttext);
    mcrypt_generic_deinit ($this->td);
    return $plaintext;
  private function _reissue() {
    $this->created = time();

This is a relatively complex class, so let's start by examining its public interface. If Cookie's constructor is not passed a user ID, it assumes that you are trying to read from the environment; so it attempts to read in and process the cookie from $_COOKIE. The cookie stored as $cookiename (in this case, USERAUTH). If anything goes wrong with accessing or decrypting the cookie, the constructor throws an AuthException exception. AuthException is a simple wrapper around the generic Exception class:

class AuthException extends Exception {}

You can rely on exceptions to handle all our authentication errors.

After you instantiate a cookie from the environment, you might want to call validate() on it. validate() checks the structure of the cookie and verifies that it is the correct version and is not stale. (It is stale if it was created more than $expiration seconds ago.) validate() also handles resetting the cookie if it is getting close to expiration (that is, if it was created more than $warning seconds ago). If you instantiate a cookie with a user ID, then the class assumes that you are creating a brand new Cookie object, so validation of an existing cookie isn't required.

The public method set assembles, encrypts, and sets the cookie. You need this to allow cookies to be created initially. Note that you do not set an expiration time in the cookie:

set_cookie(self::$cookiename, $cookie);

This indicates that the browser should discard the cookie automatically when it is shut down.

Finally, the method logout clears the cookie by setting it to an empty value, with an expiration time of 0. Cookie expiration time is represented as a Unix timestamp, so 0 is 7pm Dec 31, 1969.

Internally, you have some helper functions. _package and _unpackage use implode and explode to turn the array of required information into a string and vice versa. _encrypt and _decrypt handle all the cryptography. _encrypt encrypts a plain-text string by using the cipher you specified in the class attributes (blowfish). Conversely, _decrypt decrypts an encrypted string and returns it.

An important aspect to note is that you use this:

$iv = mcrypt_create_iv (mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size ($td), MCRYPT_RAND);

to create the "initial vector," or seed, for the cryptographic functions. You then prepend this to the encrypted string. It is possible to specify your own initial vector, and many developers mistakenly choose to fix both their key and their initial vector in their crypto libraries. When using a symmetric cipher with a fixed key in CBC (Cypher Block Chaining), CFB (Cypher Feedback), or OFB (Output Feedback) mode, it is critical to use a random initial vector; otherwise, your cookies are open to cryptographic attack. This is absolutely critical in CFB and OFB modes and somewhat less so in CBF mode.

To utilize your library, you wrap it in a function that you call at the top of every page:

function check_auth() {
  try {
    $cookie = new Cookie();
  catch (AuthException $e) {
    header("Location: /login.php?originating_uri=".$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

If the user's cookie is valid, the user continues on; if the cookie is not valid, the user is redirected to the login page.

If the user's cookie does not exist or if there are any problems with validating it, the user is issued an immediate redirect to the login page. You set the $_GET variable originating_uri so that you can return the user to the source page.

login.php is a simple form page that allows the user to submit his or her username and password. If this login is successful, the user's session cookie is set and the user is returned to the page he or she originated from:

require_once 'Cookie.inc';
require_once 'Authentication.inc';
require_once 'Exception.inc';
$name = $_POST['name'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$uri =  $_REQUEST['originating_uri'];
if(!$uri) {
  $uri = '/';

try {
 $userid = Authentication::check_credentials ($name, $password);
 $cookie = new Cookie($userid);
 header("Location: $uri");
catch (AuthException $e) {
<title> Login </title>
<form name=login method=post>
Username: <input type="text" name="name"><br>
Password: <input type="password" name="name"><br>
<input type="hidden" name="originating_uri"
       value="<?= $_REQUEST['originating_uri'] ?>
<input type=submit name=submitted value="Login">

You can use the same check_credentials from earlier in this chapter as your means of authenticating a user from his or her username/password credentials:

class Authentication {
 function check_credentials($name, $password)  {
 $dbh = new DB_Mysql_Prod();
 $cur = $dbh->prepare("
     username = :1
   AND password = :2")->execute($name, md5($password));
  $row = $cur->fetch_assoc();
  if($row) {
    $userid = $row['userid'];
  else {
    throw new AuthException("user is not authorized");
  return $userid;

Note that you do not store the user's password in plaintext, but instead store an MD5 hash of it. The upside of this is that even if your database is compromised, your user passwords will remain safe. The downside (if you can consider it as such) is that there is no way to recover a user password; you can only reset it.

If you need to change the authentication method (say, to password lookup, Kerberos, or LDAP), you only need to change the function authenticate. The rest of the infrastructure runs independently.

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