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Protecting Email Addresses Using ASCII Codes

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Protecting Email Addresses Using ASCII Codes


In the browser, you just see an email link; however, the underlying HTML markup is indecipherable:

<a href="&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;
Protecting Email Addresses Using ASCII Codes mail</a>

Protecting Email Addresses (protectMail.php)
  function protectMail($s) {
    $result = '';
    $s = 'mailto:' . $s;
    for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($s); $i++) {
      $result .= '&#' . ord(substr($s, $i, 1)) .
    return $result;

  echo '<a href="' . 
    protectMail('email@address.xy') .
    '">Send mail</a>';

However, take a look at Figure 1.3: The email address is decoded correctly by the web browser, as can be seen in the status bar.

Figure 1.3. Machine beats man (when deciphering the email address).

Protecting Email Addresses Using ASCII Codes

Some special characters are difficult to use in strings because they are hard to enter using a keyboard. However, they all have an ASCII value. PHP offers two functions to deal with this:

  • chr() converts the ASCII code into the corresponding character

  • ord() returns the ASCII code for a character

This can be used to protect email addresses, for instance. Because spammers are writing software to search for certain patterns (email adresses) on web pages, this might help keep spam low. The trick is to use HTML character codes for email addresses, making it much harder for spambots to find email data.

The preceding code takes an email address (in the format email@address.xy) as a parameter and returns mailto:email@address.xybut converted into HTML entities. For instance, the m of mailto: has the ASCII code 109; therefore, $#109; stands for m. To do so, a for loop iterates through all characters in the string. To do so, the length of the string has to be determined, which can be done using strlen(). Then, a call to ord() calculates the ASCII code of each character, which is then used for the resulting HTML.

Of course, this does not offer a bulletproof protection; you might consider using alternative ways to obscure the email address, including a syntax such as email at address dot xy.

Printing Strings, Variables, and Expressions Simultaneously

Using double quotation marks, printing a mixture of strings and variables is easy to do. However, when you also want to use expressions such as function calls, the standard way is to use lots of string concatenations:

echo 'The length of the string is ' . strlen($s) .

This is obviously getting rather complex when several expressions are involved.

A more convenient way is to use printf(). As parameters, you provide first a string with placeholders, and then the values for those placeholders. Table 1.1 shows which values are allowed for a placeholder.

Table 1.1. Placeholders for printf() and Related Functions




Integer value, binary representation is printed


Integer value, ASCII representation is printed


Integer value, signed decimal value is printed


Decimal value in scientific notation (1.2e+34)


Float value, printed with respect to the locale settings


Float value, printed without respect to the locale settings


Integer value, octal representation is printed


String value


Integer value, unsigned decimal value is printed


Integer value, hexadecimal representation with lowercase letters is printed


Integer value, hexadecimal representation with uppercase letters is printed

The following shows how printf() makes the code a bit easier to read:

  $a = 'PHP';
  $b = 'php';
  printf('strcmp(): %d<br />strcasecmp(): %d',
    strcmp($a, $b), strcasecmp($a, $b));

PHP also supports several functions related to printf():

  • sprintf() works like printf(), but returns the string and does not print it.

  • vprintf() works like printf(), however expects the values for the placeholders in the string to be in the form of an array.

  • vsprintf() is a mixture of sprintf() and vprintf(): The placeholder values are provided in an array and the function returns the string but does not print it.

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