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Writing to Files

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Writing to Files

  ''> This text file contains\nsome random text.

Writing to files is as easy as reading from themif you are using PHP 5 or higher. Then, the function file_put_contents() writes data directly to a file, and this is binary-safe. After calling the function, the file is closed. The code writes data into a file.

Writing Data into a File (file_put_contents.php)
    ''> This text file contains\nsome random text.
  echo 'File written.';

However, the preceding code overwrites the existing file. If you want to append data (therefore emulating file mode a), you first have to read in the file's data.

Appending Data to a File (file_append_contents.php)
  function file_append_contents($filename, $data) {
    $olddata = @file_get_contents($filename);
    return file_put_contents($filename,

    "\n> This text file contains\neven more random
      text. <");
  echo 'Data appended to file';


It is even easier to provide a third parameter to file_put_contents() to append data instead of overwriting files:

file_put_contents($filename, $data, FILE_

However, this all fails when a PHP version below 5.0.0 is used because the function file_put_contents() does not exist in earlier versions. It is, however, possible to emulate the behavior of file_put_contents() for older PHP versions. This works similarly to reading from a file with fopen(), fgets(), and fclose(). For writing, just one more function is required: fwrite() writes data to a file handle. The following code implements this approach. Using function_exists(), you can check whether the function file_put_contents() already exists. If not, you can write it.

Using file_put_contents() with All Relevant PHP Versions (file_put_contents_compatible.php)
  if (!function_exists('file_put_contents')) {
    function file_put_contents($filename, $content)
      if ($fp = @fopen($filename, 'w')) {
        $result = fwrite($fp, $content);
        return $result;
      } else {
        return false;

    "\n> This text file contains\nsome random text.
  echo 'Data written to file.';

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