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Connecting to MySQLi

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Connecting to MySQLi

@mysqli_connect('localhost', 'user', 'password')

If you want to use ext/mysqli, the switch for with-mysql has to point to /path/to/mysql_config. Windows users have to use the files php_mysqli.dll and libmysqli.dll, the rest of the previous install instructions remain unchanged.

Connecting to MySQLi (mysqli_connect.php)
  if ($db = @mysqli_connect('localhost', 'user',
    'password')) {
    mysqli_select_db($db, 'phrasebook');
    echo 'Connected to the database.';
  } else {
    echo 'Connection failed.';

Connecting to MySQL using ext/mysqli works just like using ext/mysql, however an i is appended to the function names.

Keep in mind that the different variable order for mysql(i)_select_db()is one of the prominent differences between the two extensions. The newer one wants the database handle first. Another difference between these two extensions is that the database handle is a mandatory parameter whenever used. With ext/mysql, the last handle created by mysql_connect() is the current default handle for the page. One more difference: mysqli_connect() accepts the name of the database as an optional fourth parameter, so you can avoid using mysqli_select_db().


Alternatively, the mysqli extension also offers an object-oriented syntax to access a data source. Although this chapter uses the functional approach to make a transition from ext/mysql to ext/mysqli as painless as possible, the following shows what the object-oriented approach looks like:

$db = new mysqli('localhost', 'user',

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