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Mac OS X
    Apache set-up 
        secure server installation 
    HTTP Apache auth directory 
    installing applications 
        code examples 
        PDF PHP library 
        PEAR packages 
        winestore application 
        winestore database 
    OpenSSL key and certificate creation 
    PEAR installation and upgrade 
    PEAR package inspection 
    PHP set-up 
    PHP upgrade 
    root user, unlocking 
mail PEAR packages 
mail( ) function (PHP) 
Mail::factory( ) method 
many-to-many relationships  2nd  3rd 
MAX( ) function (MySQL) 
max( ) function (PHP) 
MD5 Message Digest Algorithm 
md5( ) function (MySQL) 
md5( ) function (PHP) 
    crypt( ), compared to 
member functions  2nd 
    private member functions 
    static member functions 
member variables  2nd 
    private member variables 
    protected member variables 
    static member variables 
message digests 
metacharacters in regular expressions 
Microsoft RTF (Rich Text Format) 
Microsoft Windows
    automated querying 
    HTTP Apache auth directory 
    installing applications
        PDF PHP library 
        PEAR packages 
        winestore application 
        winestore database 
    installing web database applications 
        code examples 
    PEAR installation and upgrade 
    PEAR package inspection 
    report output formats 
    sessions, PHP garbage collection on 
microtime( ) function (PHP) 
middle tier  2nd 
MIN( ) function (MySQL) 
min( ) function (PHP) 
mktime( ) function (PHP)  2nd 
mod( ) function (MySQL) 
modulo function, MySQL 
multidimensional arrays 
multivalued attributes 
MyISAM tables 
MySQL  2nd  3rd 
    advanced features 
    advanced querying 
    backup and recovery 
    command interpreter 
    control flow functions 
    date functions 
    encryption functions 
    functions  2nd 
        error handling 
        functions to avoid 
    GROUP BY clause 
    improved function library 
        basic features 
        inserting data 
        migration of legacy code 
        new features 
        profiling queries 
        retrieving data 
    Linux, installing on  2nd 
        booting up 
    LOAD DATA INFILE statement 
    Mac OS X, installing on 
    nested queries 
    privileges, managing 
    query caching 
    session store  [See MySQL session store]
    stable releases 
    stored procedures 
    string functions 
    time functions 
        index design 
    unique capabilities 
    user accounts, managing 
    Version 4 
    Windows, installing on  [See EasyPHP]
    WITH ROLLUP modifier 
MySQL session store 
    handler implementations 
        garbage collection handler 
        getMicroTime( ) function 
        registering session handlers 
        session close handler 
        session destroy handler 
        session open handler 
        session read handler 
        session write handler 
        showerror( ) function 
        trigger_error( ) function 
    session table structure 
mysqladmin tool 
mysqlclean( ) function (PHP) 
    selective backups 
mysqldump command 
mysqlhotcopy tool 
mysql_connect( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_select_db( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_query( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_fetch_array( ) function (PHP)  2nd 
mysql_error( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_errno( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_fetch_field( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_affected_rows( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_connect( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_pconnect( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_errno( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_error( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_fetch_array( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_insert_id( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_num_rows( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_pconnect( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_real_escape_string( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_query( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_select_db( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_unbuffered_query( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_client_encoding( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_close( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_data_seek( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_fetch_field( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_fetch_lengths( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_fetch_object( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_free_result( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_get_client_info( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_get_host_info( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_get_proto_info( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_get_server_info( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_info( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_list_processes( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_num_fields( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_ping( ) function (PHP) 
mysql_thread_id( ) function (PHP) 

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