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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

scalar types 
scripting languages
    PHP  [See PHP]
search.tpl (winestore database)  2nd 
search/search.php (winestore database)  2nd  3rd  4th 
search/searchform.php (winestore database)  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
Secure Sockets Layer protocol  [See SSL]
    attacks and special characters 
    authentication  [See authentication]
    queries from user input 
    sessions and 
    users and privileges, managing 
    validation and 
SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE statement 
<select multiple> tag 
SELECT statement 
    arithmetic and comparison operators 
    clauses, combining 
    CREATE TABLE, using with 
    DISTINCT clause 
    HAVING clause 
    INSERT, using with 
    LIMIT operators 
    ORDER BY clause 
    sorting and grouping output 
    WHERE clause 
selectDistinct( ) function (MySQL) 
selectFont( ) method (pdf-php) 
server variables 
$_SESSION array 
session_destroy( ) function (PHP)  2nd 
session_destroy( ) handler function 
session_id( ) function (PHP) 
session_is_registered( ) function (PHP) 
session_readonly( ) function (PHP) 
session_register( ) function (PHP) 
session_set_save_handler( ) function (PHP)  2nd 
session_start( ) function (PHP)  2nd 
session_unregister( ) function (PHP) 
session_unset( ) function (PHP) 
sessionAuthenticate( ) function (PHP)  2nd  3rd 
sessionClose( ) handler function 
sessionGC( ) garbage collection handler 
sessionOpen( ) handler function 
sessionRead( ) handler function 
sessions  2nd 
    authentication and 
    bookmarks and 
    hijacking, prevention 
    management  2nd  [See also PHP, session management]
        garbage collection 
        without cookies 
    PHP accessing functions 
        with register_globals enabled 
    PHP API and configuration 
    security aspects 
    session hijacking 
    session identifiers 
    session identifiers (IDs) 
    session variables  2nd  3rd 
        serialization  2nd 
        storage, database tier 
    session-based applications, designing 
        tracking anonymous users 
        tracking authenticated users 
    state information storage 
    validation using 
    when to use 
sessionWrite( ) handler function 
set_error_handler( ) function (PHP) 
setupQuery( ) function (winestore database) 
shapeInfo( ) function (PHP) 
shell_exec( ) function (PHP), security risks 
shellclean( ) function  2nd 
short-circuit evaluation property 
SHOW command (MySQL) 
showcart.php (winestore database)  2nd  3rd  4th 
showcart.tpl (winestore database)  2nd 
showCountry( ) function (winestore database) 
showerror( ) function (PHP) 
showPricing( ) function (winestore database) 
showTitle( ) function (winestore database) 
showVarieties( ) function (winestore database) 
showWine( ) function (winestore database) 
sin( ) function (MySQL) 
Smarty PHP template engine 
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) 
sort( ) function (PHP) 
sorting arrays  [See arrays, sorting]
special characters
    escaping in regular expressions 
    use in attacks 
sprintf( ) function (PHP) 
    supported conversion types 
SQL  2nd  [See also databases]3rd  4th  [See also MySQL]5th 
    advanced querying 
    arithmetic and comparison operators 
    data types for attributes 
    table creation based on ER modeling 
    user variables 
sqrt( ) function (MySQL) 
srand( ) function (PHP) 
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol 
start anchors (^) (regular expressions) 
stateful versus stateless applications 
static member functions 
static member variables 
static variables 
storage engines  [See table types]
stored procedures 
str_pad( ) function (PHP) 
str_replace( ) function (PHP) 
strcasecmp( ) function (PHP) 
strcmp( ) function (PHP) 
strftime( ) function (PHP) 
string expressions 
string functions (MySQL) 
string literals 
strings  2nd 
    arrays, splitting into 
    case, changing 
        replacing in 
        trimming from 
    regular expressions, matching with  [See regular expressions]
    sprintf( ) and printf( ) functions (PHP) 
        supported conversion types 
        extraction from strings 
    substrings, replacing 
    timestamps, generating from date strings 
    trimming whitespace 
    validation of 
        email addresses 
        legal character tests 
        Zip and postcodes 
    wildcard matching 
strlen( ) function (PHP) 
strncasecmp( ) function (PHP) 
strncmp( ) function (PHP) 
strtolower( ) function (PHP) 
strtotime( ) function (PHP)  2nd 
strtoupper( ) function (PHP)  2nd 
strtr( ) function (PHP) 
strval( ) function (PHP) 
substr( ) function (PHP) 
substr_replace( ) function (PHP) 
substring( ) function (MySQL) 
substrings  [See strings, substrings]
SUM( ) function (MySQL) 
switch statement 
system( ) function (PHP)
    security risks of 

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